Canning with Honey

I use honey in all our cooking, baking and particularly for canned fruit, pickles and syrups. Anywhere we need sweetener, honey is the answer! I think it enhances the flavors and we love it!

But there are a few catches when using honey vs sugar. They are different!


Here are some things to remember when you substitute honey for sugar in your canning recipes.

Honey is a stronger sweetener than sugar. 3/4 cups honey will equal 1 cup sugar.

Adjust your measurements accordingly.


Honey can be substituted in pickling recipes as well. Remember honey is much sweeter so adjust your recipe. 3/4 cup honey = 1 cup sugar.


A light mild flavored honey works well for canning fruit. If you are making a sweet pickled product, darker or stronger flavored honey works well.

Honey may darken your fruit a little more than with sugar. This is normal. Honey will also obviously give a different flavor than processed sugar will.

Light Honey Syrup: 1 1/2 cups honey to 4 cups water
Medium Honey Syrup: 2 cups honey to 4 cups water


Substitute honey for sugar when you make syrups to prepare fruit for the dehydrator or canner.

When making honey syrup for dipping or canning fruits, boil your water first. Then remove from the heat and then add your honey. Stir till blended then pour over fruits or use for dipping.

Honey syrup recipes for dipping or canning fruits, light – 1 1/2 cups honey to 4 cups water medium – 2 cups honey to 4 cups water


Tip – Honey is easier to work with at room temperature or slightly warmed. The colder it is the stickier and thicker it is.

HONEY….A natural sweetener, is healthy and safe…. unlike an artificial sweetener. I’d encourage any of you to try using honey if you are cutting down on your processed sugar intake.

Any home-canning honey lovers out there? I’d love to hear how you use this golden nectar in your preserving.